Office of Compliance and Civil Rights (Title IX and DHR)
Nursing Mothers and Lactation Accommodations
California State University, Fresno recognizes the importance and benefits of nursing and lactation support for mothers and their newborn and young infants. The university is committed to providing faculty, staff and students who are nursing mothers with reasonable breaks and clean and functional lactation stations.
Lactation rooms are comfortable, private spaces provided by Fresno State to mothers for the purpose of expressing milk. Each lactation station contains a comfortable chair, access to electricity, and a table. Some stations are in a private room connected to a restoom lounge.
Mothers expressing milk are expected to make their own arrangements for refrigeration, including sealed containers and proper storage.
Employees and Students Expressing Milk
Lactation Stations Around Campus

Engineering East Building
Location: First Floor, Room 114
Hours: Monday-Friday
8 am - 5 pm
Access: Contact Human Resources
(559) 278-2032
Notes: 1 occupant capacity

Family & Food Sciences Building
Location: Third Floor, Women's Lounge
Hours: Monday-Friday
7 am - 10 pm
Access: No key required
Notes: 1 occupant capacity

Frank W. Thomas Building
Location: Women's Restroom
Hours: Monday-Friday
8 am - 5 pm
Access: Contact Human Resources
(559) 278-2032
Notes: 1 occupant capacity

Joyal Administration
Location: Second Floor, Room next to Women's Lounge
Hours: Monday-Friday
8 am - 5 pm
Access: Contact Human Resources
(559) 278-2032
Notes: 1 occupant capacity

Kremen School Building
Location: The Atrium Lower Floor, Room 34
Hours: Monday-Friday
7 am - 7 pm
Access: Contact Human Resources
(559) 278-2032
Notes: 1 occupant capacity

Location: Third Floor, Room 3216
Hours: Monday-Sunday;
Library Hours
Freezer: Ice packs are available
Access: Contact Human Resources
(559) 278-2032
Notes: 1 occupant capacity

University Student Union
Location: Third Floor, Women's Lounge
Hours: Monday-Sunday
7 am - Midnight
Access: No key required
Notes: 1 occupant capacity

Resnick Student Union
Location: Second Floor, Room 211
Hours: Monday-Friday
7 am - 10 pm
Access: TBD
Notes: 1 occupant capacity