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Office of Compliance and Civil Rights (Title IX and DHR)

How do I report an incident?

The Office of Compliance and Civil Rights reviews concerns related to Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation  as it relates to Protected Status as well as Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Harassment, Dating/Domestic Violence, Sexual Exploitation, and Stalking at Fresno State for students, staff, and faculty.

Once a form is submitted, our office will provide resources to students and employees, including where to receive confidential support, supportive measures and information on how to file a complaint.

Submit a Report          

If you have experienced any violations:
  • We would like to speak with you directly to explain your rights and options, although it is entirely up to you which, if any, of the campus services you would like to use.
  • If you choose to have a meeting, a member of the OCCR team will walk you through the options for pursuing a complaint under campus policy and will answer any questions you might have about the policy or procedures.
  • You are welcome to bring a support person to the meeting, including the campus Confidential Advocate or someone else of your choosing.


If you are a student or third party with information about a violation involving campus community members:
  • We strongly encourage you to report it using the online form.
If you are an employee or student employee who received a disclosure of a violation:
  • You are required to report incidents, except for those specifically designated by the University as confidential.

    Confidential employees on campus are aware of their status. Confidential employees include, for instance, certain medical and counseling staff and the Confidential Advocate. Please consult with the Department of Compliance and Civil Rights if you have any questions. The University requires employees to report so that the trained professionals in OCR can effectively address the incident and ensure the person who reported (the complainant) receives full information on rights and resources.

The Office of Compliance and Civil Rights will also walk you through any obligations, if applicable, to report to law enforcement. As a general rule, and absent emergency situations or cases involving minors, employees should not disclose details of sex-based reports (e.g., rape) to the police without the consent of the complainant.


FERPA Release Authorization Form

This form allows us to release the records you indicate to a person you designate on the form.
FERPA Release Form
Instructions for filling out the FERPA Release Authorization Form.
FERPA Release Form Instructions

NCAA Attestation Request

The NCAA Policy on Campus Sexual Violence requires that universities ask the current and former schools of each transfer applicant/admit whether the student (i) was ever disciplined through a Title IX proceeding, (ii) is currently the subject of a Title IX proceeding, or (iii) left the school while a Title IX proceeding was pending. 

Please fill out this form if you need an NCAA Attestation completed for a current or former student athlete.
NCAA Attestation Request

Pregnant and Nursing Students

If you are a pregnant or nursing student and would like to request accommodations.
Pregnant Students
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